Starting in February the Silja’s MBSR Class will be happening at Redwood – this is not a course from Redwood Yoga, all bookings must be made through Silja

This course is for you, if you would like to get on your mindfulness journey, embracing life moment by moment and ultimately befriending yourself with what is. In February/March Silja offers a 8-week programme called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the Redwood Yoga studio. In this course you experience and learn midfulness practices such as body scan, sitting meditation and mindful movements inspired by yoga. These can help you to reclaim the present moment and learn to handle stressful situations in a different way. For more information and to sign up please visit the website The weekly sessions take place on Fridays at 9-11:30 AM from 3rd February – 31st March. Let’s walk this path together!